How to style taupe (and blush) shoes

Happy Monday, ladies! This past Friday in stories I shared three ways to style taupe shoes. I thought to document here in a post as well – to reference back to and share for all readers in search of styling tips!

Before I go into detail the three ways shared, I want to share insight and reason for my styling sessions; why it’s continual and my hope behind these posts. My #1 goal behind these styling sessions is to help inspire you to create and find your own style. Even tho I’ve loved fashion for years, it’s taken several for me to understand my own. Finding your own style is all about learning your preference and more importantly, what makes you feel good.  It’s not about what one person thinks looks good, or society’s rules of what should and shouldn’t be worn each season. It’s about how it makes you feel in your own skin.  Does it make you happy? Do you feel confident in the piece you are wearing? Forget the falsehood – there are no rules. If you love it, wear it.

Second – It’s always a bonus seeing and envisioning how I can style a piece before purchase. Sadly, the idea of stretching your closet hasn’t always been my forte. For years I held pieces in my closet victim of the ‘one – way’ style.  I mimicked the wear of the model in the catalog or on site. Or worse, pieces sat in my closet collecting dust. All because I lacked the ‘how to’. Sad, I know. Clothing is an investment, and should always be purchased with purpose. Visualizing versatility always helps.

Lastly, I’ll note – what I share is my own opinion. What I think looks good, may not be your style preference and visa versa. I understand not all with be interested in ways to style leopard or camo jeggings. And a blazer may not seem appropriate for someone outside the workforce. My goal in sharing these ‘how to’ posts is to open eyes to styling what’s already in closet, convince the try of something new or shed light on the versatility of a piece you’ve thought a one wear show.

That all said, let’s talk taupe (and since it’s Spring – a little blush)!

If you follow me on Instagram stories and catch my looks, you’ll find that the majority of the shoes worn are taupe colored. Alot has to do with my style – I stick to the basics and gravitate towards the neutrals. Yes, I love the prints (camo and leopard are widely popular), tho you’ll often see me wear the foundational hues. Taupe, thankfully, does not stray from my norm.

As for a blush shoe – I feel it’s worn on preference. If you love bright pink, but would rather stick to a bold statement on occasion, blush is a chic and sophisticated alternative. I also find it a seasonal color. You often see more blush during the Spring and Summer months, as apposed to Fall and Winter. All said, I do feel taupe and blush shoes can be styled likewise.

3 ways to style the Taupe shoe

** You can also view the full styling session here **

Pair with a print or contrasting color // Because of it’s neutrality, taupe encourages the use of patterns and textures without becoming an eyesore. A taupe shoe prevents your look from becoming busy and spotlights your favorite print or color nicely. I absolutely love taupe paired with a floral. Especially in the Spring months. Likewise, camo is a print I often pair my taupe favorites with. You’ll often see taupe intertwined in the camo print itself. Makes for an easy shoe choice, don’t you think?

Pair with neutrals // A monochromatic look is always classy, imo. Pairing pieces together that share one hue is very pleasing to the eye. If we are talking blush – I love it paired with an all black ensemble. The blush pink color helps soften the black, which can sometimes be a statement of it’s own.

Pair with denim // Probably the reason why the majority of my shoes are taupe – they work well with casual style. As mentioned above, I stick to the basics, and feel denim is as basic (and classic) as it comes. Any wash or style of denim works well with a neutral shoe.

Do you like this color of shoe? Or is blush a preferred shoe choice this season? Above I’ve linked several of my personal favorites and a few on wishlist! Oh and be sure to check out other ways to style your closet here. Happy styling!



  1. Ashley
    May 28, 2019 / 8:28 pm

    This is so helpful! Thank you

    • shancock17
      May 29, 2019 / 3:46 pm


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