10 randoms I am currently loving

While I am all for focused styled posts, spotlighting random favorites is one of my favorite types to sit down and write. Not only are they a fun way to compile the extras and detail style specifics I may have missed, these random lists are an opportunity for me to go outside of the TSS style realm. I’ve a bit…
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10 things I am loving right now

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a sum up of all my current favorites here on the blog. Almost a year, actually. Oops. I had hoped to devote this type of post on a monthly basis, but alas – capsule building, style sessions, beauty reviews, and all the in betweens took over. I have, however, made my monthly favorites…
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A few year end thoughts for 2021

Here we are again. The year end reflection post where I battle and struggle thru a mix of emotions. In truth, I have no idea what this post will entail. I have no outline or structure to how this post will go. But this post is needed. If not for readers, but for me – to confront, analyze, and reflect…
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My top 12 favorite things this season

Hi friends! It’s been a while since I’ve shared one of my favorite things lists and with our 2nd annual ’12 days of gifting’ in full swing, I thought to topic and share! What’s my 12 days of gifting, you ask? It’s a consecutive share of 12 things I love the first 12 days in December. Each day I spotlight…
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10 random things I am loving this Summer

Hi friends! It’s been a bit since I’ve shared some top favorites. If you’re a blog subscriber, you’ve seen my monthly lists of favorites, but having put a pause on the send out (at least thru the Summer),  I feel I owe ya’ll a round up! Today I am sharing 10 random things I am loving from all categories in life!…
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