3 ways to instill the importance of family in your children

This past week, Ellie had a culture project at school. Her assignment was to present a visual aide sharing her family, it’s heritage, holidays we celebrate and her favorite traditions. A little perplexed at the requirements, but none the less I am happy she is learning presentation and speech skills this early in her education.  Patrick and I oversaw her…
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Whitening Sensitive Teeth at Home

Hi ya’ll! Happy Monday! If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve learned a bit more in depth on my love for fashion, a bit about me and my type A personality, my family and all that makes me, Me. It’s been so fun learning this past year all the ins and outs of being an influencer, taking photos,…
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Friday Five | 5 habits to stay organized everyday

Ya’ll know I am an organized person. I am tidy, love all things in order and go a bit stir crazy when things aren’t in tact. It being January I thought the first Friday Five of the year to center around organization. Aside from the majority of New Years resolutions being fitness inspired, second comes the intentions of being more…
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Friday Five | What I’ve learned in 2018

Happy Friday, ya’ll! It’s almost 2019! Can you believe it? What I love about the New year is the clean slate. It’s starting fresh. I am not an artist, by any means, but if I were to parallel the feeling it would be sitting down to a new white canvas, fresh painter’s palette, and nothing but time at your disposal.…
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The SAH Mom’s guide to online fitness

I am frequently asked what I do to stay fit. And rightfully so, the answer has changed over the years.  I used to be an avid gym go-er. Add a few changes of address, a shift in work schedules, and two kids to the mix and the ability to get to the gym wasn’t as easy as it used to…
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