2020 January top Amazon favorites

Happy Tuesday, friends! I know, it’s been a month or two since I’ve shared top Amazon favorites. The holidays and other content have been at the forefront. But looking back at stats, Amazon was the top retailer of choice this past year. And I couldn’t let January pass us by without an Amazon haul in the books! I’d be amiss…
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8 ways to style a denim chambray shirt

I am embarrassed to say, it wasn’t up until last year that I added a denim chambray shirt to my wardrobe. I know..don’t judge. I really don’t know why the heck I didn’t grab it sooner. But now that I have, I feel it my mission to share the benefits of this basic. A few weeks back whilst choosing pieces…
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5 healthy habits for the workday

So I know my ‘workday’ may be different than most. On most days, my office is a quick walk down the stairs. Instead of phone calls and intercoms my white noise, I often hear the dryer running. If I go mobile, espresso machines and a coffeehouse playlist. Ten years away from the corporate world has definitely brought leverage on way…
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2019 Top Favorite fashion buys list

I mentioned in my recent Instagram round up my fear in the ‘re-share’. That I often question if the style and looks I am sharing with ya’ll are diverse enough. With style discovery a top and forefront mission here, I often feel I must cover all the bases and am afraid my content lacks balance. The worry is silly, I know.…
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How I practice Self Care

Happy Friday, my friends! I am officially another year older today. And while birthdays have always been fun – balloons, gifts and affection from many, it’s a little hard embracing the number. I remember those milestone birthdays – 10th, 21st, and 30th .. and while I understand turning 38 isn’t a milestone, it does inch me closer to a number…
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