August series | 10 outfits to wear when in between seasons

We are officially in between seasons! Let’s gradually bring Fall into rotation and transition our wardrobes seamlessly into next, shall we? Combining those Summer essentials we’ve worn all season with Fall’s favorites is the key. If you’ve followed on socials, you’ve seen several of these looks broken down this August. As in past, I want to document and spotlight these…
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20 Back to School capsule outfits for Teachers

Hello friends! Now that we’ve an exclusive capsule for teachers to work with, I thought to share 20 outfits one can build from it! As a reminder, this 20 piece capsule consists of a combination of items from Loft, Target, and J.Crew factory that are all individually under $70. All work cohesively together to mix, match and build a multitude of outfits for the…
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20-piece affordable Teacher capsule wardrobe

Hello friends! It’s that time of year, can you believe it? Next Monday marks the kids first day back to school. One would think I’ll enjoy the morning’s silence, but truthfully, I know I’ll miss the household chatter. I’ve definitely struggled this Summer, trying to manage the chaos and balance each day’s tasks at hand. Seems as if every Summer…
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10 randoms I am currently loving

While I am all for focused styled posts, spotlighting random favorites is one of my favorite types to sit down and write. Not only are they a fun way to compile the extras and detail style specifics I may have missed, these random lists are an opportunity for me to go outside of the TSS style realm. I’ve a bit…
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10+ casual everyday fits for the stylish mom

If you’ve been here a while, you know the corporate world was once a page in my story. And while my current office lacks any sort of dress code, it’s no secret I still love a stylish fit. I love piecing together more dressier fits for all of you – topic’ing workwear and special events has been such a treat…
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