June Prime Wardrobe picks

Hi ya’ll! I think I can rightfully speak for many that online shopping is a lifesaver, am I right? I’ll pick convenience over experience ANY DAY.  The thought of putting the kids into the car, driving thru traffic, struggling to find a parking spot, roaming the aisles and departments with strollers and hungry kiddos: it’s exhausting, and I haven’t even…
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Moving? How to make your move easy

Anyone who knows me, I am not one for change. I loath it, actually. Reality hit this past week when I saw this moving truck park itself right outside of my home. It knocked on my door of routine and it’s initial first impression wasn’t pretty. I knew it was coming, for weeks actually. Guess it’s physical presence was what…
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My happy place, an intro into the Sarah Stories

I am here. In my happy place. The sand, the breeze, the view of my two babies playing in the water, it’s all here. Yet I sit with a mind going every which way, full of emotions that I am struggling to sort. Our move, the packing, the newness – tho it’s not foreign to me, I am scared this…
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